If there is one thing I am addicted to, it is T.V.
All kinds of T.V.
In fact, look in my planner or my google calendar and you will find the premiere date and time for all of my favorite shows. And these reminders aren't penciled in...they are in permanent marker. Yes, I am that serious about my T.V.
...And there is no shame. No shame at all.
My T.V. addiction began at a very young age. I've always loved T.V. But my addiction to so many shows developed from working early morning (we are talkin 4a.m.-8a.m.) shifts at the Reid front desk as a residential desk assistant at the U of A. (Thank you college. If I came out with anything it is knowledge about the Kardashians and the Duggars!) It was too early to do homework, too late to call your friends so what else do you do? Find T.V. shows on the internet to become addicted to!
I am a reality T.V. junkie and if it has the acronym CSI in it... you can guarantee I am number one in the millions who watch. I LOVE the CSI series. And Criminal Minds. It is amazing how they solve crimes. If I could handle blood, decaying bodies, bugs, and psychotic people I might consider being a CSI. But alas those are not my God given gifts.
I am also a HUGE fan of the Duggars...and AM embarrassed to say that I have driven by their home just to see it. And I have seen them twice now after living in Arkansas for 4 years. I love them. I think they are amazing. So many people criticize them but I love 'em.
Some might say that might T.V. addiction is unhealthy. I should be outside or participating in a hobby. Well I do spend time outside. I walk my dogs several miles several times a week. And now that the weather has cooled I am beginning a running routine. Need to fit into those fall/winter close and slim down for new ones! I do have hobbies. Surprise surprise I'm doing one of my hobbies right now typing to you! I have hobbies, don't you worry. And I participate at church as a small group leader (during my most important night of T.V.! Sacrifice!). I do many things and that's why I am not embarrassed or ashamed of my T.V. consumption.
Sit down with a big ole bowl of popcorn. Or in my case chili smothered with cheese, sour cream, and fritos. Or a big fat chocolate chip cookie and enjoy a night of CBS and ABC. There are some really great shows and some of them can be educational. In their own way.
Now I must bid you goodbye...David Arquette is about to get his scores!
Good luck on your T.V. adventures!