Saturday, December 31, 2011

My New Best Friend

While I was in college I worked at this amazing coffee shop/bookstore on Dickson street in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Let me tell you that this is the perfect job for a student trying to graduate. 

Why you ask?

Because while you work you get FREE COFFEE (or if you're like me FREE ESPRESSO)!! And a discount when you come in during off hours. What could be better?!

Since I've graduated, became a grown-up, and moved 2 hours away, working at this coffee shop is no longer an option. And free espresso is sadly no longer a luxury. 

So, I have been searching and searching for a way to get good espresso without spending a fortune, and finally...I found it! 

She is called..PIXIE. She is a machine made by Nespresso and she's similar to a Keurig but she's not making coffee. She's making espresso. mmmm. 

She is my new best friend.

I think we might run away and elope. 

Well...I'd have to run that by Lonnie first.  I guess. Since he IS  my husband and all. 

Below is the link if you are interested. She is pricier than a keurig, but if espresso is your thing she is much cheaper than a traditional espresso machine and she makes delicious drinks! 

Nespresso Pixie

Merry Christmas to me!

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