Saturday, December 31, 2011

My New Best Friend

While I was in college I worked at this amazing coffee shop/bookstore on Dickson street in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Let me tell you that this is the perfect job for a student trying to graduate. 

Why you ask?

Because while you work you get FREE COFFEE (or if you're like me FREE ESPRESSO)!! And a discount when you come in during off hours. What could be better?!

Since I've graduated, became a grown-up, and moved 2 hours away, working at this coffee shop is no longer an option. And free espresso is sadly no longer a luxury. 

So, I have been searching and searching for a way to get good espresso without spending a fortune, and finally...I found it! 

She is called..PIXIE. She is a machine made by Nespresso and she's similar to a Keurig but she's not making coffee. She's making espresso. mmmm. 

She is my new best friend.

I think we might run away and elope. 

Well...I'd have to run that by Lonnie first.  I guess. Since he IS  my husband and all. 

Below is the link if you are interested. She is pricier than a keurig, but if espresso is your thing she is much cheaper than a traditional espresso machine and she makes delicious drinks! 

Nespresso Pixie

Merry Christmas to me!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Thank you Pinterest

Thanks to the wonderful world of Pinterest I have found a few DIY projects to keep me busy. Tonight's DIY project has 3 parts: A new larger, more grown up calendar, an "i love you because.." board, and of course a "Honey-Do" list. 

Someone out there had this amazing idea to turn picture frames into functional, practical pieces of art. Genius. I love this person whoever you are. 

If it's practical and functional, I'm all over it. Stationary, office supplies, organizers...

Yes, I have issues. I'm ok with this. Let's say it keeps me sane!

Anyway, below is my attempt at these awesome DIY projects:

Calendar..I need a new dry erase marker. Mine is fading out. To make this I glued (spray adhesive not normal glue-takes care of bubbles and messiness.) scrapbook paper to the back of the frame. I've seen others use fabric as well. I chose paper because it was the quick and easy route. The only issue using paper is there is a seam. It's not hurting my feelings.

"I love you because..." I saw this and thought it was adorable. So many mornings I don't really get the opportunity to talk with Lonnie. A quick I love you and I'm out the door. This gives me one more opportunity to let him now how much I love him.

This is made with the same scrapbook paper. I also added a heart and two love birds.

These boards are placed on our largest kitchen wall next to the fridge.

As soon as I get more sticky picture hanging things, the "Honey-Do" list will go below the "I love you because...". The layout mimics the popular photo collage layouts. 

VIOLA! Functional Art! 

If you haven't joined Pinterest..I URGE you to do it NOW! You don't want to miss out!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tuckered Out

Lately I have felt so guilty for leaving my babies at home while we work, work...and work some more. They have been left alone more than usual and when I come home I'm so tired I tend to write them off. Appease them with a rawhide stick and run! 

I've been a horrible mommy. 

So this weekend was Sadie and Rosie weekend! Yesterday we played hard, went on walks, and played some more. And this is what happened...

So exhausted. So sweepy. Stole my blankets and made her own nest.

This one just drops where ever. No nest necessary.

I think it was a successful weekend. I don't think either of them have slept through the night till 8am in months. 

No more neglect for these babies. I'm starting one of my New Year's resolutions before Christmas. I foresee many more naps and quiet nights in this house.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

It's a Family Tradition!

Every year my family goes to Branson, Missouri the first weekend in December and this year wasn't any different. It's a family tradition. And one that I look forward to all year long!

I don't know what it is about Branson, but it takes me to this happy place every time we go. Many of my fondest childhood memories were made there at Silver Dollar City, Go-cart places, shows, and shopping centers.

But there is something about Branson at Christmas time that is just magical. So magical it sometimes makes me want to move there...sometimes. Who knows. Maybe it will happen! Who knows what God holds for our future.

Redneck wine glass...yes this is what you are missing if you have never been to SDC

The rolling hills, log cabins, lakes, blue skys, Christmas music, the smell of roasting candied nuts, potato hash, and just an old time feeling. Branson isn't new and shiny like many cities. Neither is it dirty and grungy. It's...perfect. I want to move there.

 I love Christmas.

 I LOVE family traditions!